The Colorado Creative Industries Division of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (CCI), has awarded me with a Career Advancement grant. The grant is to be used toward developing, publishing and marketing my Children’s Picture Book, Augustina, as well as a screenplay for animated film to accompany the book.
Here she is!
Augustina, is a humorous story about a lovable, barnyard oddball who dances her way into the carnival spotlight, and discovers her true identity — she is a heifer-potamus!
Educators, day care providers and social workers enthusiastically support this story:
“I see all kinds of application potential, everything from children who are adopted to helping children gain ego strength.” — Carol C., Clinical Social Worker
Please contact me for more information about Augustina.
To capitalize on attending conferences and industry workshops I am simultaneously developing an additional story for both book and film. Hint: the characters are perfect for cute Halloween costumes in coming years. Stay tuned!