Category Archives: Featured

Logo Design – The Lighting Connection

You know the old saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Well, I beg to differ.

I ended 2017 doing some new logo designs, starting off with The Lighting Connection in Denver. A wonderful group of people, ready to let the design process unfold and a pleasure to work with. (See their info below.) Although I don’t often do logo design, they had faith in my visual and imaginative skills to gave me the opportunity to blend some old-school ways with today’s  easy access to fonts and graphics.

From 1986 – 1991 I spent all day, every day doing design work — paste-up, hand lettering, illustration, darkroom work, color separations for film — for a printing company outside Kansas City which had national clients. As it turns out, six years of total immersion will bring you to that level of mastery enough to call it up whenever you need.

If you’re contractor in the Denver area, contact this fantastic company!


The Lighting Connection – Our Story

The Lighting Connection started operations in 1984 and has consistently been providing excellent lighting solutions and service since inception. Our business is unique in the Denver market as we do not offer a showroom nor do we have walk-in traffic. Our sole focus is you, the Colorado builder.  We work closely with builders and their teams — including general contractors, electricians, superintendents, and purchasing agents to provide comprehensive design and delivery of complete lighting packages (residential, multi-family and commercial) across Colorado.

Our team has more than 75 combined years in the lighting industry, and we have been providing lighting solutions to many of the largest home builders (including national, regional and local builders) here in Colorado.  We have the industry and logistics experience to deliver on all your lighting needs. Our team of professionals currently delivers lighting packages to more than 100 sites per week.

Our Mission

To deliver competitively-priced lighting fixtures with exceptional customer service. The Lighting Connection has a legacy of reliability in the lighting industry.

Our Vision

Our company will not waver from its mission, which means competitively-priced lighting fixtures and round-the-clock customer support. We will provide continued stellar builder support and comprehensive lighting packages for all building needs.

Career Advancement Award from the Colorado Creative Industries

The Colorado Creative Industries Division of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (CCI), has awarded me with a Career Advancement grant. The grant is to be used toward developing, publishing and marketing my Children’s Picture Book, Augustina, as well as a screenplay for animated film to accompany the book.

Here she is!

2Angel_RRoberts1Augustina, is a humorous story about a lovable, barnyard oddball who dances her way into the carnival spotlight, and discovers her true identity — she is a heifer-potamus!

Educators, day care providers and social workers enthusiastically support this story:

“I see all kinds of application potential, everything from children who are adopted to helping children gain ego strength.” — Carol C., Clinical Social Worker

Please contact me for more information about Augustina.

To capitalize on attending conferences and industry workshops I am simultaneously developing an additional story for both book and film. Hint:  the characters are perfect for cute Halloween costumes in coming years. Stay tuned!


Cover Art for Colorado Central Magazine

CCOctCover2015FINALColorado Central Magazine

About the painting: This oil painting depicts fall cottonwoods on the historic Garcia Ranch. Reyes Garcia is now the steward of this ranch and allowed me to take a walk and paint this beautiful piece of property. As a retired professor of philosophy, environmental and indigenous studies, Reyes is deeply attuned to the legacy of his family’s land and the way of life it has provided for generations. With the Garcia family having originally settled in Conejos County in the 1850’s, he has a long history rooted in the special area between the Conejos and San Antonio Rivers in the southern part of the San Luis Valley.

Conserving the land and water is a way “to make my own small contribution to preserving the family legacy of ranching and the land-based culture of the ranchero tradition,” Garcia writes. “… I came to understand this tradition includes putting into practice ecological values by virtue of an instinctual love of the land that engenders good stewardship and a deep respect for all life forms, the seasonal rotation of livestock and their humane treatment, the acequia irrigation system especially, the transmission of skills which make self-reliance possible…”

in 2013, the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust worked with Reyes to complete a voluntary conservation easement on the spectacular Garcia Ranch, to insure that this working ranch will remain intact with its senior water rights in perpetuity. Learn more about RiGHT’s ongoing conservation work and the ranch at

Cloud 50


In honor of my fiftieth year, I will spend it with my head in the clouds,
creating a series of 50 cloud paintings and drawings.
Watercolor, Oil, Charcoal.
Some large, some small, depending on the cloud and what it says to me.
I hope you’ll join me on this flight of fancy.

Cloud 50